
How to have a Great Mix

Why is it so important to have a great mix? This is a question I get occasionally from Volunteers, Congregants, Pastors and yes even Tech Directors, so let’s talk about it. Let’s first define what a great mix is. I think it can be summed up in two words. Distraction... read more

Let Them Contribute

A few weeks ago after a worship service I received some great advice from a businessman that applies to our role as Worship Leaders. Every week our goal is to lead people in worship and usually there is some sort of point where we talk, whether it’s at the beginning... read more


This week will be the first of a few posts rounding up our best projects from 2014. Let us know what you like! Feel free to share these videos online, comment below, or e-mail us ( with any suggestions or thoughts you have on our work. We would love to... read more

Stage Design on a Budget

When it comes to stage design, money matters. Unfortunately, when you are a part of a smaller church and have a low or non-existent budget, money matters even more. Money, however, does not have to dictate your design options.   Here are a few guidelines to creating unique stages on... read more