

Coloring Worship

We recently moved into a new home and though I loved the floor layout, the colors left something to be desired. I am a fan of neutral colors but almost every wall was the color of brown mud. The home felt sad, dreary and small. I took some time researching... read more

AUDIO COMPRESSION 101: What is Compression?

There are many illusive terms floating around the audio world and “compression” is no exception. The trouble with compression is that, for such a useful tool, the parameters to control it are rather cryptic if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Coupled with urban legends about what you “should”... read more

Media Under Attack

Today as I write this blog I not only write it as a Pastor but I write it as a broadcaster as well. Since 1987, in one form of another, I have had the honor to be a part of three radio stations and of course our own Wayne County... read more

Own It

When it comes to volunteers we all have people all across the serving spectrum. On one side there are the people who would serve at every opportunity and then we have those on the other side of the spectrum who serve once a month or so. But when it comes... read more