
Live from NRB Proclaim 16

Since 2004, I’ve had the opportunity to serve alongside the Washington, DC-based staff team that organizes and executes the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The Annual NRB Convention is the largest gathering of Christian Media professionals in the world. It attracts some of the biggest names in not only Christian Radio,... read more

An Audition Prayer

You just landed an audition for the role of your dreams. You’re perfect for the part. It’s the one that could catapult your career into stardom. You’ve prayed for an opportunity like this and you’ve never wanted anything more in your life. Now forget what you want, release your clenched... read more

The Voices in Our Head

A while back, I had an experience that you might be able to relate to.   We had just finished our church service with worship and communion.  As the music team was slowly unplugging and turning off their equipment, we felt encouraged by how God had used us. Just as... read more