
a church tech

The Methods of a Church Tech

Production can be a tricky thing to get volunteers to buy into. Too often, I have found, a volunteer comes on board simply believing that are there to fill a role, an open space- not to actively engage in leading worship and helping to shape a moment between God and... read more

leadership gap

The Leadership Gap

It happens in life and it happens in our leadership…   It’s the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the gap between where our organization is and where we know it needs to be. How we manage this gap and how we operate while... read more

Leading with Humilty

Usually the words “humble” and “leadership” are not readily matched together. Humbleness implies meekness, lowliness and submission. Even the Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “humility” as “a modest or low view of one’s own importance”. In contrast, leaders want to be confident, strong and bold. They want to carve out paths... read more

Making Social Media More “Social”

Where did the social go in social media?   Every church, business, or organization struggle with engagement. We can never get enough, and we always want more. Engagement is a true measurement of how effective the media you’re putting out there really is. If someone feels strongly enough about something... read more

audio compression tips

Audio Compression Tips for Church Sound

Compression is a great tool that can tighten up your mix and enhance the punch or power of certain instruments. But it can also cause some serious problems if you’re not careful.   An audio compressor is used to control the dynamic range of an audio signal, or the difference... read more