
Church Online Tip #16 – Craft Online for Online

Today’s Church Online Tip is this: Craft Online for Online What do I mean by that?   I mean plan your Online Worship Experience with your Online audience in mind.   Be intentional about crafting your services specifically for online participation. And online experience is different than in in-person gathering.   Here are 3... read more

Church Online Chat Host Best Practices

Here are 10 general best practices for chat hosts across all platforms along with 4 particular tips for Facebook and CHoP from Life.Church. Utilizing these practices will make the experience engaging for your guests.  All Platforms Two Hosts At Each Service – This allows the hosts to chat with each... read more

Church Online Tip #14 – Engage your Givers

Today’s Church Online Tip is this: Engage your Givers Now is the time to meaningfully and regularly engage with the donors in your church.   Though you don’t want to over-communicate giving, it doesn’t mean that giving can’t be present in your normal communication to your church body.   You can connect donors to the... read more

How to Stream with MediaShout and OBS

Because MediaShout church presentation software integrates with a wide range of media files and hardware, we often are asked about streaming and live streaming options by our customers. And while our church presentation software can certainly play a major role in a live streaming system, there are several technologies involved in streaming... read more