About Andrew Johnston

Teacher, Coach and Consultant

Dr. Andrew Johnston, or Dr. J as many call him, is the hip professor you always wanted. He’s an expert on leadership, interpersonal dynamics and team development, but he “gets” you. He connects with you, encourages you, and makes you better every time you meet.

As a trained counselor and seasoned leader, Dr. J understands what makes people tick and what it takes to make them the best they can be. And as a respected professor and speaker he knows how to engage them so they laugh, lean in, and leave the experience ready to make the most of the opportunities and relationships in their world.

Creativity Hack… Other-Centeredness

Encouraging team members to focus on each other not only bolsters their psychological safety and builds trust, but also boosts their creativity over all. Research suggests that adopting an other-centered perspective can actually spur more creative thought and increase the number and quality of solutions you can generate. Professors Evan... read more