About Ben Stapley

Weekend Experience Director
Christ Fellowship | Miami, FL
Find on Facebook https://www.instagram.com/benstapley/

For over 20 years Ben has created & captured moving and memorable moments for individuals, non-profits & corporations across the globe. Ben serves at Christ Fellowship on the executive team as the Weekend Experience Director overseeing worship, creative, production, online, communication & guest services. He also consults for churches and speaks at conferences about leadership, communication and creativity.

Enhance Your Networking Skills

I was gonna give this article the cheeky title of Networking In Ministry Without Getting Fired. This is because networking is often viewed negatively or even sinful. But it is the opposite. It is positive and can grow your ministry. And if you neglect this tool in your toolbox, you... read more

Leading Creatives

There is a tension between leaders and creatives within any organization. Leaders cast clear vision. Creatives craft subjective art. Leaders push for advancement. Creatives push the envelope. Now there isn’t a complete binary between a leader and a creative but there are some repeating gaps that happen because of how... read more

Creating Exciting VOD Content

This past year churches have become much better at providing live video content. I’ve had the opportunity to coach a number of churches through this journey. We figured out how to set up a ring light, plug in a decent mic and make eye contact with the camera. Well done... read more

Directing For IMAG

IMAG, or image magnification, uses cameras, projectors and screens to enlarge an image of the stage at a live experience to give the audience a better view. My setting is a church, so that is how I will frame this talk. But these principles are transferable to any live event... read more


Giving Clear Feedback

Problem: Giving feedback can be a murky experience. Especially if the project is subjective and involves creativity. It usually isn’t clear how important or weighted each piece of feedback has. This can cause confusion and frustration for the person giving and the person receiving the feedback. Solution: Developing clear and... read more