About Ben Stapley

Weekend Experience Director
Christ Fellowship | Miami, FL
Find on Facebook https://www.instagram.com/benstapley/

For over 20 years Ben has created & captured moving and memorable moments for individuals, non-profits & corporations across the globe. Ben serves at Christ Fellowship on the executive team as the Weekend Experience Director overseeing worship, creative, production, online, communication & guest services. He also consults for churches and speaks at conferences about leadership, communication and creativity.

How to Deliver Live Announcements

Announcements can be the lamest time during the service. But they don’t have to be. If you have great content and a great communicator, announcements can be a lively, worshipful and engaging element. Here are several tips for delivering live announcements at your church: Practice at Home and at the... read more

How to Publically Read Scripture Well

Many churches read a passage of scripture during their services. That could be the psalm which a song was based on, the passage the message will focus on, or a benediction to conclude the service. Regardless of when scripture is read, or who is doing the reading, it should always... read more