About Carl Barnhill

Creative Director / Owner
[twelve:thirty]media | Columbia, SC

Carl Barnhill has served on staff at some of the largest churches and organizations in the country. He served as Media Director at Precept Ministries International, directing the television and radio program Precepts for Life with Kay Arthur, broadcasted to over 98 million homes around the world. He served as Video Production Director at Pinelake Church in Brandon, MS. He most recently served as Video Coordinator for Newspring Church in South Carolina. He currently serves as Creative Director and Owner of [twelve:thirty]media, serving churches and ministries all over the world through motion graphics content and church media coaching.

the star

THE STAR Movie Release

The new animated Christmas movie The Star opens nationwide in theaters this Friday. This is a great film to promote to your volunteer team. Check out some details about the film below. About the Film: In Sony Pictures Animation’s The Star, a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for... read more

leading lyrics

Leading Lyrics

We’ve all been there – you’re singing along and you’re 2 lines into the next slide before the operator advances to the next slide of lyrics.   It’s brutal. I mean brutal. It feels like the congregation is on a roller coaster ride of singing together. Being late on leading... read more

Lyric Operators

Advanced Training for Lyric Operators

Your Lyric Operator is a Worship Leader.   I’ve not only attended, but had a hand in executing hundreds of Worship Experiences in churches of all sizes and denominations. I can tell you first hand, when the lyrics are late or inconsistent on screen its bad. Its just like a... read more