About Carl Barnhill

Creative Director / Owner
[twelve:thirty]media | Columbia, SC

Carl Barnhill has served on staff at some of the largest churches and organizations in the country. He served as Media Director at Precept Ministries International, directing the television and radio program Precepts for Life with Kay Arthur, broadcasted to over 98 million homes around the world. He served as Video Production Director at Pinelake Church in Brandon, MS. He most recently served as Video Coordinator for Newspring Church in South Carolina. He currently serves as Creative Director and Owner of [twelve:thirty]media, serving churches and ministries all over the world through motion graphics content and church media coaching.

Live from NRB Proclaim 16

Since 2004, I’ve had the opportunity to serve alongside the Washington, DC-based staff team that organizes and executes the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The Annual NRB Convention is the largest gathering of Christian Media professionals in the world. It attracts some of the biggest names in not only Christian Radio,... read more

Boarding the Campaign Trail

As we led our volunteer teams at our churches, we need to be involved in the conversations that are important to our culture.   Obviously this year, the political scene is a hot topic of discussion. As leaders in our churches, we need to be informed and knowledgable of our... read more

If You Only Focus on One Thing in 2016…

Full disclosure: I’m more of a pastor than a techie. Don’t get me wrong – I love all aspects of using media to create experiences where people grow closer to Jesus. I love computers, cameras, lighting, audio, sets, switchers, and other production gear. But my passion is people. So I’m... read more

How to be a Hero Reborn

Being a believer in Hollywood is a tricky thing. There are some that are very open about their faith – I spoke with actor Kirk Cameron in my last post about his experiences. Other well known and vocal Christians in Hollywood include producing team Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, actors... read more

How Kirk Cameron is Saving Christmas

At twelve:thirty media, our goal is to not only provide quality media content and training to help you create amazing experiences, but to make you aware of some incredible faith-based resources available to you and your church. We also get insights into other professionals in the church and faith-based media... read more