About David Leuschner

Executive Director
Digital Great Commission Ministries

David Leuschner currently serves as the Executive Director of Digital Great Commission Ministries, a non-profit that has a mission to utilize technology to reach the entire world for Jesus Christ. From 2006 to 2017 he served on the Senior Team as the Senior Director of Technology and Technical Arts at Gateway Church. He provided oversight for all of the Technology and Live Production areas. While at Gateway, David guided and directed over 700 volunteers, part-time and full-time staff in a mission to facilitate several hundred events a month among all venues.

What Drains You?

One night as I was getting ready for bed, I stared into the mirror and thought, “I’m drained.” I hadn’t worked particularly hard, but the hours were just long. I had a good team. They handled a lot of the physical load so I could attend meetings to sign off... read more

Gutt Check

Gut Check

Often people say to me, “If I had the same resources you have, I could make my church services awesome and everyone would respect my leadership skills and technical decisions.” Gateway Church started very small. I’m certain we didn’t have moving lights, cool sound systems and video projection systems at... read more

Excellence with Volunteers

Excellence with Volunteers

As leaders that provide technical oversight, we have all asked ourselves this question: “Can excellence be attained with volunteers? More and more churches are hiring staff to “fix” an issue, but then realize hiring staff comes with its own set of problems. Many times they can make the issue you... read more

Digital Great Commission

The Digital Great Commission

Most technicians are content to stay in the background, pushing buttons and not talking to anyone.   Many church technicians have said that despite trying, they have never personally lead anyone to Christ and it bothers them. God created us all to worship Him so why didn’t He create us... read more