About Jessica Coates

Student Ministry Administrative Assistant
Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church

Jessica S. Coates is the Student Ministry Administrative Assistant at Mt. Horeb UMC. She has her Master’s degree in Christian Education from Pfeiffer University. She married her husband of 23 years because he was super cute and his last name was a major improvement (the ‘S’ stands for Stikeleather). Jessica and her super cute husband have 5 kids that range from college to elementary school. She LOVES coffee, cooking and equates her Kindle to a serious addiction.

If no one Knows, no one Shows

Good programming begins with good communication. After serving in youth ministry for many years, I have learned one thing for sure and that is that communication is the key. The list is a mile long for what needs to be communicated and communicated clearly. We ask ourselves questions like, do... read more