About Kim Porter

Music Director / Creative Arts Director
The River Church | Liberty Township, OH

Kim has been surrounded by music her entire life. She led worship in church settings as a young teenager through her adult years and continues to feel incredibly blessed to do it now as a profession. She has been serving as Worship Leader and Creative Arts Director since 2010 at The River Church in Liberty Township, Ohio.  Besides leading the congregation in music each week, Kim also spends time building stage designs, brainstorming sermon illustration ideas and whatever else she can do to keep her creative mind entertained.

Leading with Humilty

Usually the words “humble” and “leadership” are not readily matched together. Humbleness implies meekness, lowliness and submission. Even the Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “humility” as “a modest or low view of one’s own importance”. In contrast, leaders want to be confident, strong and bold. They want to carve out paths... read more

manager and minister

When Manager and Minister Collide

In the world of church leadership, there are numerous hats that leaders end up wearing. Many times, the art of balancing pastor, administrator, counselor, creative guru and other miscellaneous titles, can end up in a heaping mess on the floor of our church office. If we are honest, we can’t... read more


Cultivating Communities

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10: 24-25 ESV For those of us who lead a weekend team... read more

spread the word

Spread The Word

Over the past few years, social media has exploded in its ability to influence, increase sales and expose companies as never before. It has become one of the first sources for information and feedback. We, in the church world, would be blind to ignore the growing presence of social media’s... read more

Christmas Sunday

What to Do with Christmas Sunday

For those of you who haven’t already looked ahead to the end of year calendar, there is something very important to note.  Christmas 2016 falls directly on a Sunday. The big buzz this year around the Creative Team circles is  “What do we do when Christmas falls on a Sunday?”   Though some... read more

unplug from leadership

How To Unplug From Leadership

One of the times of year my family looks forward to the most is our annual camping trip to Lake Michigan. We sleep in a tent, cook around a campfire and spend a week without a schedule, alarms or obligations. Because my husband and I both work at a smaller... read more

When You Don’t Know it All

Six years ago, I stepped into a role I didn’t feel even slightly prepared to take on. My husband, Todd, and I had came down from the Detroit area with our kids so that he could take on the position of Youth Pastor at a growing church in the Cincinnati... read more

The Voices in Our Head

A while back, I had an experience that you might be able to relate to.   We had just finished our church service with worship and communion.  As the music team was slowly unplugging and turning off their equipment, we felt encouraged by how God had used us. Just as... read more