About Mark MacDonald

Sr. Church Branding Strategist, Executive Director
Find on Facebook markmac1023

Mark MacDonald has a teacher’s heart, loves churches, in addition, he is dedicated to improving #churchcomm strategy so more will be reached for Christ. He has 35+ years experience of advertising, comm, design, writing and speaking. He authored Be Known for Something: Reconnect with Community by Revitalizing Your Church’s Reputation (2017). He is a speaker at churches, businesses and national conferences. Mark is also married with two sons.

Stop Copying: Do these 3 Things Instead

Communicators have a high expectation of creativity. In planning, concept, design, and execution. Maybe, we should also toss in “mind-reading” to fill the rest of a communicator’s creative thoughts.  We also don’t live in a closed microcosm either. While we’re juggling our many tasks, everyone on staff (along with us)... read more

6 Steps to a Great Church Video

People love video. If your church communication does not contain video, you need to start considering how to add it to your mix. But it’s difficult! Writing is simple compared to good photography but video adds even more complexity that’s very difficult to master. In order to shoot and edit... read more