About Rob Merow

Lighting Designer
OneLux Studio | New York, NY

Rob discovered his love of theater and passion for creating dynamic environments early on as a volunteer at his home church in Pennsylvania. His degree in architecture and years of experience as a volunteer prepared him for his calling to full time ministry where he led teams in the areas of lighting & scenic design, audio production, graphic design, branding, and interior design. He and his wife Emily have recently moved to New York City, where he has come full circle into architectural lighting. Rob enjoys blurring the line between theatrical, experiential, and architectural design; keeping one foot in ministry as often as possible.


How Loud Is Too Loud?

Just when you’ve settled into your mix and things are starting to sound great you get the infamous tap on the shoulder that makes your heart sink. “My smart phone app says its 200 decibels in here!” It’s an unfortunate truth that anyone with a dangerous amount of knowledge can... read more

props are things, sets are places

Props are Things, Sets are Places.

You’re playing Pictionary, and the clue to draw is “The Beach.” You sketch a sandcastle, an umbrella, and luckily someone shouts out “beach!” before you even attempt to doodle a jetty. It’s pretty easy to come up with a list of things at the beach. In fact, you can find... read more

tips for the perfect haze

Tips For The Perfect Haze

We all know the difference: a well-hazed room is virtually undetectable under normal lighting conditions – but really sings when sharp, theatrical beams cut through the ether. A poorly hazed room feels like a smoky bar with clouds of thick, opaque fog passing through like tumbleweeds. 1. Use an actual... read more

AUDIO COMPRESSION 101: What is Compression?

There are many illusive terms floating around the audio world and “compression” is no exception. The trouble with compression is that, for such a useful tool, the parameters to control it are rather cryptic if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Coupled with urban legends about what you “should”... read more

Go-To Gel Colors for Front Lighting

Have you ever stood frozen in front of the paint swatches at the hardware store? No matter how long you spend making up your mind, without fail the color never quite looks as expected once you’ve painted the whole room. Opening a gel swatch book can be equally intimidating, and... read more

Your English Teacher Taught You Lighting Design

Remember learning about dramatic structure in middle school English class? Exposition, rising action, climax, etc? There’s a good chance that this has never crossed your mind twenty minutes before service when you’re frantically pounding away at the lighting console, trying to re-program a dozen cues that just didn’t feel right... read more