About Scott Clement

ChurchMix | Costa Mesa, CA

Scott is a freelance touring FOH/Mon Engineer working with artists and bands around the world. He is also a co-founder and trainer at churchmix.com, a website focusing on training and equipping church audio volunteers to create a professional mix in their worship services. He has mixed for artists such as Tyronne Wells, Moi Navarro, Mariners Church, Rock Harbor Church, and many others. It his passion to partner with his clients to create a distraction free event that is full of energy and sounds amazing. He also has a passion for helping the audio volunteers in the church by training them on how to get a great sounding mix using the tools they have and to help bridge the gap between the stage and the sound booth.

How to have a Great Mix

Why is it so important to have a great mix? This is a question I get occasionally from Volunteers, Congregants, Pastors and yes even Tech Directors, so let’s talk about it. Let’s first define what a great mix is. I think it can be summed up in two words. Distraction... read more