About Stephen Brewster

Creative Arts Pastor
Find on Facebook B_rewster

One of the most sought after speakers and thinkers in the creative space, Stephen Brewster serves as a Creative Arts Pastor in Florida. He has been in professional creative environments including church, music business, marketing, management, artist development, creative team leading and art directing for 15 years. It’s his belief that soon we as the Church will regain our position as the leader of the creative frontier. He loves living a creative and adventurous life with his wife Jackie and their four amazing kids.

be brave

Be Brave

If I am being completely transparent, I want to be courageous and create amazing stuff but there is one thing that stops me from going the last 10% and it is fear! Fear sucks. I hate the idea that this emotion is strong enough to keep me from all God... read more

crazy ideas

Crazy Ideas

“I have an idea.” These 4 words maybe the most powerful 4 words in our language. But what makes an idea good instead of crazy? And is a crazy idea a bad idea? I think we have so many descriptors that we place before the word “idea” that we don’t... read more

creative people

Creative People Are Different

Creative people are different. No secret right. Let’s be honest there are a lot of times we walk by the “creative offices” and wonder what in the world is happening in that room? There are people lying on the floor, music is blaring, ping-pong is being played and we start... read more