Enhance Your Networking Skills

I was gonna give this article the cheeky title of Networking In Ministry Without Getting Fired. This is because networking is often viewed negatively or even sinful. But it is the opposite. It is positive and can grow your ministry. And if you neglect this tool in your toolbox, you... read more

Leading Creatives

There is a tension between leaders and creatives within any organization. Leaders cast clear vision. Creatives craft subjective art. Leaders push for advancement. Creatives push the envelope. Now there isn’t a complete binary between a leader and a creative but there are some repeating gaps that happen because of how... read more


Introducing 12:30 Kids

We are so excited to launch our brand new Kids Division of Twelve:Thirty Media! We’re calling it Twelve:Thirty Kids! We have completely duplicated our entire site and directly targeted it to Children’s Pastors and Leaders. Check it out here! Since Twelve:Thirty began in 2015, we have had the honor of... read more

Creativity Hack… Other-Centeredness

Encouraging team members to focus on each other not only bolsters their psychological safety and builds trust, but also boosts their creativity over all. Research suggests that adopting an other-centered perspective can actually spur more creative thought and increase the number and quality of solutions you can generate. Professors Evan... read more

5 Ways the Church Changed in 2020

I am not the first person to say this and this probably won’t be the last time you ever hear this but 2020 changed the Church. 2020 forever impacted God’s people because we were faced with realities that most of us have never had to deal with. Almost overnight our... read more

How To Deal With Criticism

Art is not as easy as data. Data is cold, lifeless, and not emotional. When criticism is aimed at data very quickly the truth is identified, evaluated, and then we move forward. But art is connected to its creator…the artist, you. 
When we create art a small little piece of... read more