How to Be Efficient

  One of the questions I get asked a lot is “How do you guys at Twelve:Thirty Media crank out so much fresh content?” or I personally get “Do you ever sleep?” For the record, I don’t sleep much, but we have tried a few tricks along the way as... read more

Leading Yourself in this Unexpected Season

One of the most important aspects of leadership is leading yourself. To be a healthy leader and effectively lead your team, you have to know how you’re doing. You have to process your emotions, fears and anxieties to make sure you’re leading well. A unique challenge facing many church tech... read more

Are You ALL IN?

Dear Church Leaders: Respectfully, would you mind stop using the phrase “All In?” When a church staff member goes into ministry for usually a significant cut in pay and longer hours, they are doing it because God has called them into it, as He did you – they are already... read more

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COVID-19 and Beyond

I want to give you some practical ideas of things you can do from a marketing standpoint during the COVID-19 pandemic, once we’re through it, and into the next crisis. (Oh, it’s coming, it always does.) Let’s get started: 1. It’s not about attendance, it’s about opportunities The church in... read more