Internship Best Practices

Internship Best Practices

Internships are great ways to find and develop your future church staff. When done right, you can have a lasting impact on the kingdom by the way you develop and mentor the up­ and ­coming church leaders of tomorrow. Let’s learn some best practices and how your church can train... read more

leadership gap

The Leadership Gap

It happens in life and it happens in our leadership…   It’s the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the gap between where our organization is and where we know it needs to be. How we manage this gap and how we operate while... read more

Leading with Humilty

Usually the words “humble” and “leadership” are not readily matched together. Humbleness implies meekness, lowliness and submission. Even the Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “humility” as “a modest or low view of one’s own importance”. In contrast, leaders want to be confident, strong and bold. They want to carve out paths... read more

be brave

Be Brave

If I am being completely transparent, I want to be courageous and create amazing stuff but there is one thing that stops me from going the last 10% and it is fear! Fear sucks. I hate the idea that this emotion is strong enough to keep me from all God... read more

things leaders do

3 Things Leaders Do

Learn Leaders are learners. When we stop learning, we’ll soon quit leading… leading well at least. The thing that I’ve learned from some of the best leaders I’ve ever been around is that they’re willing to learn from anyone. It doesn’t have to be an “expert” in a field or even a... read more

build influence

Ways to Quickly Build Influence

This post comes from a personal place for me. After 6 years at my previous church, I’m in a new place of service. I’m with new people, new coworkers, and a new environment. Being a pastor and someone who wants to influence the lives of the people around me for... read more

manager and minister

When Manager and Minister Collide

In the world of church leadership, there are numerous hats that leaders end up wearing. Many times, the art of balancing pastor, administrator, counselor, creative guru and other miscellaneous titles, can end up in a heaping mess on the floor of our church office. If we are honest, we can’t... read more


Cultivating Communities

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10: 24-25 ESV For those of us who lead a weekend team... read more


Which One Do I Represent?

Recently I attended our annual National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Orlando Florida.   It is my fourth time going but my third straight year and it is amazing how much you can really find out about yourself while attending such a Convention.   The NRB deals with Christian radio, TV,... read more