fuel our fires

Fuel Our Fire

What is it today that “fuels our fire?”   Is it the thrill of a Super Bowl like we just witnessed between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots? Perhaps in some ways, yes. Not to mention the entire world had access to the game through either FOX Sports, FOX... read more

crazy ideas

Crazy Ideas

“I have an idea.” These 4 words maybe the most powerful 4 words in our language. But what makes an idea good instead of crazy? And is a crazy idea a bad idea? I think we have so many descriptors that we place before the word “idea” that we don’t... read more


7 Ways to Retain Volunteers

Volunteers are so important to the life of your church.   Even the largest churches in the nation depend heavily on volunteers to execute weekend services and activities. There are times when volunteers leave your ministry for good reasons. There are times where volunteers need to be moved to another... read more

creative people

Creative People Are Different

Creative people are different. No secret right. Let’s be honest there are a lot of times we walk by the “creative offices” and wonder what in the world is happening in that room? There are people lying on the floor, music is blaring, ping-pong is being played and we start... read more

unplug from leadership

How To Unplug From Leadership

One of the times of year my family looks forward to the most is our annual camping trip to Lake Michigan. We sleep in a tent, cook around a campfire and spend a week without a schedule, alarms or obligations. Because my husband and I both work at a smaller... read more

how well does your team know you

How Well Does Your Team Know You?

I think the vast majority of us would agree that the strength of the team comes often time from the relationships built outside of serving together. If a volunteer team only meets up on Sunday and doesn’t talk the rest of the week, it won’t be a shock that they... read more