best content

The Best Content for Environmental Projection

Photo Courtesy of  We all know that content is king. However, when you enlarge your canvas, using an immersive environmental projection setup, this statement becomes so much more accurate. The overarching idea behind environmental projection is not to have a really large projection, but to create an environment. Ideally,... read more

time management

Time Management Tips for Sound Techs

A proficient live sound tech is always aware of time. Besides the obvious mandate of showing up early for soundcheck and being ready when the event or service starts, a sound tech needs to manage a variety of critical components that factor into a great mix. 1. Running an efficient... read more

series in a box

Introducing: SERIES IN A BOX

We are committed to growing the global Church and seeing the Gospel spread around the world. We strive to help churches create amazing experiences for their congregations each and every weekend. We partner with dozens of churches that struggle with their creative and production staff being overworked. We also partner... read more

custom media december

Custom Media Roundup: December 2, 2016

Once a month or so, on the blog, we feature some of our favorite Custom Media projects our team at [twelve:thirty]media has produced for churches, ministries and other organizations. This week, we feature a selection of sermon bumpers, song videos, and other content we’ve produced for some of our partners. Let us know... read more

live streaming

Audio Tips for Live Streaming

In an effort to “get our church online and live streaming”, many teams make the mistake of forgetting one CRUCIAL element… …The Audio Quality! I’m going to make a bold statement here: the audio for a live stream is more important than the video.   We’re tuning in to hear... read more

custom media

Custom Media Roundup: October 28, 2016

Once or month or so, on the blog, we feature some of our favorite Custom Media projects our team at [twelve:thirty]media has produced for churches, ministries and other organizations. This week, we feature a selection of sermon bumpers, song videos, and other content we’ve produced for some of our partners.... read more

Practice Your Mixing Skills

Practice Your Mixing Skills

Mixing sound is an art It is also a technical craft. And like any art or craft, you must commit to learning and practice in order to stay proficient and mix with excellence on a regular basis. This begs the question: How do you practice mixing? This is going to... read more

Custom Media Roundup

Custom Media Roundup: September 30, 2016

I thought once or month or so on the blog we feature some of our favorite Custom Media projects we’ve produced for churches, ministries and other organizations. This week, I’ll feature a selection of sermon bumpers, song videos, and other content we’ve produced for some of our partners. Let us... read more


How Loud Is Too Loud?

Just when you’ve settled into your mix and things are starting to sound great you get the infamous tap on the shoulder that makes your heart sink. “My smart phone app says its 200 decibels in here!” It’s an unfortunate truth that anyone with a dangerous amount of knowledge can... read more