
Coloring Worship

We recently moved into a new home and though I loved the floor layout, the colors left something to be desired. I am a fan of neutral colors but almost every wall was the color of brown mud. The home felt sad, dreary and small. I took some time researching... read more

AUDIO COMPRESSION 101: What is Compression?

There are many illusive terms floating around the audio world and “compression” is no exception. The trouble with compression is that, for such a useful tool, the parameters to control it are rather cryptic if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Coupled with urban legends about what you “should”... read more

Beyond Stage Design

I run a website called ChurchStageDesignIdeas.com. It gets around 400,000 views/month. That number continually surprises me, knowing there are that many people around the world doing stage design at their church.   People ask me all the time if I post every stage design that is submitted through the site.... read more

The Best of ProPresenter 6 Tutorials

ProPresenter is the best presentation software on the market for churches. Its what I recommend to churches of all sizes. Yes, there is other presentation software on the market that are cheaper. But spending the money on getting your team a pretty stable platform with a user-friendly interface is worth... read more

Go-To Gel Colors for Front Lighting

Have you ever stood frozen in front of the paint swatches at the hardware store? No matter how long you spend making up your mind, without fail the color never quite looks as expected once you’ve painted the whole room. Opening a gel swatch book can be equally intimidating, and... read more