Design on a Dime

If it can be said that America runs on Dunkin, then it can also be said that the church runs on Graphics!  That’s right, almost everything we do these days in ministry requires a graphic. Wether we want to tell students to silence their phones, or remind them of an... read more

Programming Like Jesus

If Jesus Christ were to create a student program what would it look like?  This is no small question and our responses to this question are worthy of deep thought, meditation, and prolonged periods of prayer. This question should lay before every pastor, church leader, and volunteer who has a... read more

If no one Knows, no one Shows

Good programming begins with good communication. After serving in youth ministry for many years, I have learned one thing for sure and that is that communication is the key. The list is a mile long for what needs to be communicated and communicated clearly. We ask ourselves questions like, do... read more