Church Online Tip #11 – Emphasize Mobile Giving

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Emphasize Mobile Giving


As you know, expanding your giving methods from beyond just passing the plate is important to any giving strategy. It can not only prevent passing a virus but it can also increase your giving potential. But, when your church can’t meet on a Sunday due to something like COVID-19, it becomes even more important.


When you communicate with your church, make sure they know they can give easily and securely using their phone. By utilizing comprehensive giving methods like mobile app, text giving, and a mobile friendly website, you allow your donors to give whether or not your church is meeting this Sunday.
You might consider enabling one-tap giving on your phone so that users don’t have to work through long screens of putting in their debit card numbers, address or other information.
You might consider doing step by step tutorial videos or put a page together on your website explaining how to give on your mobile device or online.


Everyone’s inbox and phone is overflowing with COVID-19 Updates, so while you don’t want to overwhelm your members, you do want to consistently connect with your church with at least two touch points every week.


Remember to keep the WHY in front of them when it comes to giving. Show them ways that ministry is still happening through your church.


When it comes to tithing at your church,


Emphasize Mobile and Digital Giving

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