Church Online Tip #16 – Craft Online for Online

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Craft Online for Online

What do I mean by that?


I mean plan your Online Worship Experience with your Online audience in mind.


Be intentional about crafting your services specifically for online participation.
And online experience is different than in in-person gathering.


Here are 3 quick things to think about to be more intentional about your Online Experience:


1. Address / Acknowledge your Online Audience
– even as churches reopen we will be online. So instead of saying “Welcome, glad you made it to church this morning”. Say “Welcome, hello those in the room and hello to those watching online today!”
– Instead of just giving instructions and announcements to those in the room, give instructions to those online as well – “And if you’re watching online today, you can message our Online Host or click here for your next step.”


2. Shoot Closer
– Wider shots don’t work as well for online. Think about your favorite sitcom – they shoot tighter because they are in your living room.
– Even when you’re back in your auditorium, try shooting closer shots, it will give the people in the room an angle they can’t see from their seat, and it will help online viewers connect and feel closer to the action.


3. Prepare your Team
– Have a game plan for how you are interacting with people online. Prepare your Hospitality Team to not only be in the chat, but have answers and be ready with next steps people can take.
– Be intentional when you’re building up your volunteer teams to consider how they will serve the Online audience as well as the physical gathering.


Acknowledge your Online Audience

Shoot Closer

Prepare Your Team


Those are some ideas for how to

Craft Online for Online.

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