Church Online Tip #33 – Go Beyond Sunday

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Go Beyond Sunday


Even though your Worship Experience, whether its an in-person gathering or online, is an event that people attend each week, it should be a launching pad of content that you can repurpose each week. I’ve talked to some communications folks that are at a loss on what content to post on social media. It surprises me in a way because your church is a content machine.


You crank out an hour or more of content every single week from your Worship Experience alone.
Not to mention the content produced by other ministries in your church.


In this video, I want to give you 5 easy ways you can take the content from your Worship Experience beyond Sunday.



Here we go:


1. Share Testimonies and Stories.
– Nothing, I repeat, Nothing is better than a story of Life Change that has happened through the local church.
– If you have folks who have accepted Christ, a marriage restored, a praise, a victory, a need – share stories of the people in your church.
2. Quote Lyrics from a Worship Song you sang.
– Post a great photo of your worship team or someone from your congregation singing to the Lord. Post the lyrics of the song with the post.
3. Share a Clip from Sunday’s Sermon
– Pull out a short clip of your pastor preaching. Put some text to emphasize the main points that he is making to add some flare.
4. Recap Highlights from Sunday
– Post photos of Kids Ministry, Students, or if its a special day and highlight it on Social Media.
– Something like “Moms are special. We hope your day at Bridge Church made you smile.” with photos of Moms and kids at your church on Mother’s Day.
5. Celebrate Volunteers
– Take photos of hard-working volunteers who made Sunday happen at your church. Call them out by name. Celebrate their service to your church.


Share stories
Share lyrics
Share a Sermon Clip
Recap Highlights from Sunday
Celebrate Volunteers


Just 5 easy ways you can take your Online Worship Experience beyond Sunday.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Go Beyond Sunday