Church Online Tip #17 – Put Videos in your Countdown

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Put Videos in your Countdown

Countdown Timer Videos, especially on your Online Worship Experience is real estate that I think churches don’t use to their fullest potential.
Certainly, you can put just countdown numbers in your countdown.
But you can easier put the actual countdown numbers in the bottom corner and use that 5 minutes for video content that people can engage with.


Here are a few ideas:


1. Share Stories.
– To see Testimony stories of the people in your church or community that your church is having an impact on. Priceless.
– Have medical staff thank your congregation for their prayers and support, share stories of how people have accepted Christ in your church, share stories of serving opportunities your church has had. Share stories.


2. Share Announcements and Promotional Information.
– A countdown can be a great place for you to put talking head videos of your pastors sharing information about what is going on in your church.
– This can be a great place for the leader of your Men’s or Women’s Ministry to share about upcoming events or activities.
– The countdown is a great spot to put promotional info like Serve Day opportunities, Fundraisers, Missions, Children and Student activities, stuff like that.


3. Fun Content that Matches the Series.
– You could put some fun stuff in your countdown, like trivia, games for the kids, funny videos, bloopers and other lighthearted content that can match or set up your series.


4. Repurpose Older Content.
– The countdown is a great place to repurpose older content. Here’s what I mean – it takes multiple times and in different ways for information to soak in with people. If you’ve produced videos in the past – story videos, promos, welcome videos, funny videos, or other content that’s not outdated, but may not be the freshest video, this is a good spot for that content.
– You might save your newest videos for a spot in the service where you know everyone is watching. The countdown is a place where you can get more legs out of a pre-existing video your church has done.

Share Stories

Share Announcements or Promo Material

Fun Content

Repurpose Older Content


These are some ideas for using Videos in your Countdown.