Church Online Tip #4 – Use These 3 Buttons on the Top of your Homepage

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Use These 3 Buttons on your Homepage


So what are the buttons?


Let’s talk through each:


  • Because you’re probably 100% online right now, the #1 thing your people are looking for right on your homepage is how to watch church.
  • Make this very very obvious and very very easy to find. Right now, I should not have to go to your Messages tab, click Services, click something else to dig and find your online service. Make it extremely visible “above the fold” on your website, meaning I don’t have to scroll down to see it.


  • Make it easy for parents to find what your Kids Ministry is doing. You might make this fun by filling this page up with service videos, videos from your Kids Pastors, fun activities and downloadable resources for parents and more.
  • If your church does not have the means to produce a Kids Service, let me suggest pointing parents to They are having weekly Online Children’s Services with incredible worship with hand motions and messages perfect for your kids.


  • I know we don’t like to talk about it, but giving is crucial during this time. Make it easy for your congregation to give digitally. Have a button right there on your homepage sending folks to your online giving platform. If you don’t have a giving platform that you use, I recommend my friends at

Other Buttons / Links you need on your Homepage:

Church Updates / CoronaVirus Response Page: Check out how City View Bible Church has done this well.
  • This page should include a video (does not have to be fancy. This can just be your pastor on his iPhone). But have an embedded video from your pastor giving direction to your church’s response to COVID-19.
  • Should contain information from your pastor like how you are doing church, church schedules, small group updates, how you’re doing Kids and Student Ministry and how to Give Online.
  • This page should also have easy you can help or a way for you to request help from your church.


Connect With Us
  • Your Contact Information
  • Your Social Media Platforms
Make it easy for people to get very important information fast.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Use These 3 Buttons on the Top of your Homepage


Related Resources

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