Church Online Tip #8 – Provide a Clear Online Giving Call to Action on your Homepage

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Provide a Clear Online Giving Call to Action on your Homepage.


Here are 4 reasons to put a ‘give’ button on your homepage:

1. It makes giving obvious.
– If someone comes to your website with the intent to give, why make them hunt for it? Playing hard to get may work in dating, but it’s a terrible idea when it comes to giving.
– When it’s easy to give, it’s more likely that someone will give.


2. It provides a clear way to take action.
– If there is a clear way to take an action, it’s more likely someone will take that action.
– This is why stores and companies have obvious “buy now” buttons. A clear call to action = greater chance of action.
– People are looking for a way to be a part of something. Giving is one way to be a part of what a church is doing to reach its community and the world.


3. It provides a visual cue.
– A cue is just a reminder or signal to do something that we’ve previously thought about. In this case, a visual cue could remind someone to give who had already planned to, or remind someone of a compelling message they recently heard on giving that might lead them to action.


4. It helps out those who are less comfortable with technology.
– In this season of social distancing and isolation, there are faithful cash and check givers who are going to try to give online for the first time. For some of them, just getting to your website is a big enough task. They need to be able to get to your giving page in as few clicks as possible. Putting a “give” button on your home page gets them there in 1 click. Make it easier for folks who are more challenged with technology.



Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Provide a Clear Online Giving Call to Action on your Homepage.

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