Church Online Tip #1 – Start with what you have!

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Start with what you have!

We serve churches that the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed them into an Online Worship Experience where they haven’t had one before. You might be at a church like this. You might have very little online presence if any at all. You might not know where to start. You might not be a “techy” person. That’s okay.

Here is quick advice to you:

Start with what you have.
My friend Kenny Jahng says it like this: Version One is better than Version None.
Start somewhere. You can always improve.
Streaming with your smartphone is a great place to start. You have an amazing camera in your pocket. Use it.
Even it is just your phone and Facebook Live, use it.

If you need help knowing how to use Facebook Live, download our FREE Livestreaming Guide.
It is absolutely free and will walk you through it step by step.
As you start building momentum and doing more, you can add more bells and whistles. You can add audio, lighting, bigger cameras.
You can make improvements.

But Version One is better than Version None. 

Start with what you have.

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