Church Online Tip #12 – Record in Bulk

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Record in Bulk

This tip is really easy. If you are pre-recording your services and not Livestreaming or if you are doing a hybrid of the two, record content in bulk.
If you’re bringing your worship team into the church to record songs, go ahead and record 2 or 3 weeks worth.


Same with your pastor if possible. Go ahead and have him preach 2 sermons back to back if you can.


You can still record Welcome videos or Update videos and drop them into your edit closer to Sunday with more up to date information.


But the Worship and Message portions of your Online Worship Experience, consider recording in bulk.

At least for the time being, while we are socially distant.


  • This consolidates the time spent at the church with your team.
  • It gives your Production Team more time to edit everything together.
  • It helps you get ahead.
My Church Online Tip for you Today:

Record in Bulk

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