Church Online Tip #18 – Link Directly to Specific Giving Categories

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Link Directly to Specific Giving Categories

When it comes to your Online Giving, you always want to keep the WHY or What People are Giving To in front of your people.


You might be communicating through Email to your congregation each week.


If you are, consider adding buttons to your email or on your giving page to direct people to give to a specific category.


By adding category buttons, you are giving your donors a quick and easy way to give to a specific cause.


If you’re doing this in platforms like SecureGive, you have the ability to select the campus and donation categories you would like donors to see.


Your donors have the ability to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring transaction through the link.


Your categories could be things like Missions Offering, Building Fund, General Fund, or a special project or campaign you might be having at your church. You can change up those categories as you move on to different campaigns.


This allows tithers to play a little more active role in where their gift is going and can feel more apart of knowing they are apart of the mission of your church.


As it relates to Online Giving for your Worship Experience:


Link Directly to Specific Giving Categories.