Church Online Tip #19 – Share Fun, Personal Videos

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Share Fun, Personal Videos

If you are still 100% online, now is a great time to get creative with your Online Worship Experiences.


My idea is this – Either in your countdown or as your opener, or even sporadically in your Worship Experience, show short videos of families in your church that are finding fun things to do during Quarantine.


This can be a number of things. Quick Selfie Videos of things like:
  • A family cooking something together or have a kid do a recipe video.
  • A family on a hike or outside.
  • A Nurse saying thank you to the church for praying for medical staff.
  • A Small Business Owner in your church opening up their store.
  • A Selfie Video of someone sharing the blessing of serving their community.
  • Kids reading bible verses that match your sermon.
  • A series of selfie videos thanking the church staff or thanking heroes of your community.


Now is a great time to work that type of content in. Where it might feel out of place or a little bit odd in your physical gathering, fun, personal videos might be a way to lighten the mood in your Online Worship Experiences and keep your services fresh.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Share Fun, Personal Videos in your Livestream