Church Online Tip #23 – Provide Multiple Service Times for People to Watch

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Provide Multiple Service Times for People to Watch


If you are fully online, there is no reason why you can’t offer your service at multiple times throughout Sunday and even through the week.


Here’s how I would do it – on Sunday I would make your service available to watch as a Livestream event 3-4 times throughout the day.


Like 9am, 11am, 3pm, 6pm. Then, Monday-Saturday, I would make your latest sermon available to watch on-demand in a Message Archive section on your website.


Offering multiple service times on Sunday allows people to watch when they can on Sunday.


This idea especially applies to a small to medium size church where you might be used to only having 1 or maybe 2 services on a Sunday.


Being all online allows you to repeat your Livestream throughout the day if people want to watch it at a different time or rewatch again.


I don’t see a big reason for more than 4 or 5 service times. If you’re a megachurch where you normally have 15-20 services on a weekend, I’ve talked with a couple guys from churches of that size and their online attendance has gone down over a period of time,
Of course, some of that could be screen fatigue.


But something you might try is condensing your Service Times to 4 or 5 times on Sunday only.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Provide Multiple Service Times for People to Watch