Church Online Tip #24 – Use Pre-Made Kids Worship Experiences

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Use Pre-Made Kids Worship Experiences


Even though churches are opening back open their doors for Worship Experiences, most churches that I know aren’t touching Kids and Students yet. You might heavily consider a joint family service approach when you invite people back to your building.


But if families are still staying home, don’t forget to be intentional about serving the kids in your congregation.


If you have the ability to make your own kids videos, do it.
I would strongly encourage you to have Kids Zoom Calls (yes, they can handle it), make videos on your phones, and send it to your kids, things like that.


But you might not have the ability to create full-scale videos for your kids.



Let me give you a couple of options:
  1. Doorpost Songs = is providing a 6 episode series perfect for your Kids Worship times. They are under 10 minutes each and give a Bible lesson and a fun lyric video with Hand Motions. Learn More at
  1. Yancy Ministries = our friend Yancy is providing at home concerts from her house that are great for kids. You can check those out at
  1. Seeds Family Worship = my friends at Seeds have created Online Children’s Services filled with great bible lessons, lyric videos with hand motions, and more. is where you can find those.
  1. GO! Curriculum has released BOLT VBS which could be used as an Online Worship Experience for Kids to Watch and Engage with. You can check out to learn more about that.


These are just a few of the ministries that our team has helped create graphics and video content for – that you can use on your websites and point parents to.


Use a mixture of videos from you and pre-made video content to engage kids online.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Use Pre-Made Kids Worship Experiences