Church Online Tip #26 – Put your Camera in Places you Might Not Normally Put Them

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Put your Cameras in places you Might Not Normally Put Them


Using different camera angles and putting your cameras in different places is a great way to make a small space seem larger. It also gives the audience interesting views to keep them interested and engaged.


I love directing multi-cam shoots. I get very animated and dance around when I’m directing. Its a lot of fun. I move quick to other camera shots. Why? Because it adds energy, it adds excitement, it keeps the audience engaged.

The same is true for your Livestream or your recording. Now is a good time to experiment. If you have a few cameras, put them in places you might not usually put them. Shoot closer – your camera needs to be close enough that your audience feels connected to your speaker and worship leaders. Wider shots are going to make the viewer feel more disconnected.


With your Livestream from your Auditorium or your Recorded Worship Experience for Online,

Put your Cameras in places you Might Not Normally Put Them