Church Online Tip #27 – Be Authentic

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Be Authentic

People need you right now. I want to encourage you to start where your church is and be consistent.


Be authentic with your Production.
Don’t be something you’re not. If you don’t have the equipment to do a multi-camera set up with lots of post-production editing and graphics. Don’t do it. If you can do your iPhone and Facebook Live and that’s you, and you can do it well – do that well.


Be authentic in your speech.
Play to the camera. If you’re at your church, people know you’re in an empty room, so don’t fake that people are there. Give people the freedom to engage in the chat during your message. Provide ways that people can talk to each other in the chat. Pose questions. The goal here is to build relationships.


Be authentic with Worship
If you’re pre-recording your services, a stripped-down Acoustic set feels more real right now than a rock concert or your full band on stage. Even if you have several band members, go with a stripped-down approach. I think it will come across more real at this moment.


Connect with people online.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Find Ways to be Authentic