Church Online Tip #29 – Use your App

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Use your App


When it comes to your Online Worship Experience, it’s wise to put your service everywhere you can.
Stream it on your website.
Stream it on Facebook.
Stream it on YouTube
And if you have an app, stream it on your app.


I also want to give you a few other things you can include on your app that will compliment your Livestream that you may or may not have thought of.


Lyrics to Worship
If you don’t have the capability to overlay lyric lower thirds on your stream, consider putting a PDF or text file of your lyrics on your app for Sunday’s service.
This will allow folks to watch the service on their TV and follow in worship on their phone.


Sermon Notes
Most apps like Subsplash have a built-in Sermon Notes area where you can take notes as you are listening to the message.
Bonus points for providing the pastors outline and scripture references in the app as well.


Digital Bulletin
If you can provide your announcements and bulletin information digitally through you app, it can cut down on printing costs, it can put your information and your stream all in one place. It will allow people to pull up that information during the week easier – how much are your trash cans full as people throw their bulletin away after service? With a digital version, folks can pull info up from a device in their pocket much easier than having to keep track of a printed bulletin.


Lyrics to Worship
Sermon Notes
Digital Bulletin
Just three easy ways you can make the most of your app as it relates to your Online Worship Experience.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Use your App