Church Online Tip #3 – Think through your Online Service Flow

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Think through your Online Service Flow

In the last video, I shared that I think the best way to engage your audience online during COVID-19 is with a Pre-Recorded and packaged service video, simulated live on all your social platforms.
If you’re pre-packaging your service, I want to give you a simple, easy Service Flow you can use for your services.
Then you can add your own flair to it.


5-Minute Countdown
  • This Countdown can include updates and information about your church.
  • You might include fun videos in the countdown of recipes of food you can make at home, fun family games, thank you videos from nurses or medical staff telling your church thank you for their prayers.
  • Make it fun and engaging.


2-3 Minute Intro from your Pastor.
  • Welcome, Updates, Prayer


2 Song Worship Set
  • Stats show that if you go too long on a Worship set online, people tune out or you start to lose their attention. Long worship sets just do not translate to the small screen the same way as a physical gathering.

Message from your Pastor
  • I would stick to about a 15-20 minute message at most. This is not the medium to get long-winded.


1 Closing Song
2-3 Minute Close from your Pastor


That is my suggested Online Service Flow for you. You can download a FREE PDF of this content here.


If you want to spice it up, add in fun videos throughout your service.
I’ve seen churches throw in people reading scripture on their iPhones, I’ve seen fun videos with ideas for family activities.
You might have someone share a testimonial or a medical update.
This is a time to get creative.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Think through your Online Service Flow

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