Church Online Tip #35 – Make it Interactive

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Make it Interactive


Online is here to stay. I suggested in a previous video to start changing the language from the podium from your hosts and your pastors to address and acknowledge your online viewers as well as those in the room with you.


Let’s take that a step further.


Find ways to have your online audience interact in the comments.


Here are some examples:
During your Welcome segment:
– ask folks to say hello in the comments or where they are watching from.
During your Sermon:
– Just as you would in the live environment, have people say “Amen” if they agree with something you said.


Let’s say you are referencing a movie as an illustration in your sermon.
You could ask folks to share what their favorite movie is.
Ask them what worship song they are enjoying.
Ask them for prayer requests.
Ask them what message point or part of the sermon is impacting them the most.
Ask them how they applying the message of the day in their daily life.


Whether you are pre-recording and 100% online or you are addressing folks in the auditorium at the same time as your online viewers, make it interactive. Give them ways to interact with you and others in the chat.


Stir on conversation. Plant seeds for conversation and give them instructions for what to chat about.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Make it Interactive