Church Online Tip #39 – Utilize your Pre-Show

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Utilize your Pre-Show


You might start your Livestream a few minutes early to allow people to log on, jump in the chat and start talking and get settled.


I would do this 5-10 minutes before your service starts.


I’ve also suggested before that I think if you use a Countdown, you should start that countdown at the time your service starts. Meaning if your service starts at 11am, start your Countdown at 11am so your actual service starts at 11:05am.


This allows people to get their technology set, get settled and not miss anything.



You might also consider having “Pre-Service” slides or video content.


This content could have announcements, stories, trivia, photos, and other fun content to show your congregation the ministry that’s happening at your church.


My friend Luke McElroy recently did a live rebroadcast of SALT conference. By the way, if you haven’t checked out my friends at SALT you need to – amazing conference every year.


But Luke utilized the Pre-Show of the SALT Rebroadcast beautifully. The stream started 10-15 minutes before the main content. He filled that space with older media content, with Announcements about upcoming events, with content about what was to come and more.


Especially if you have Online Hosts – let them pop in once or twice for 30 seconds in the 10-15 minutes leading up to service and give some excitement about what’s coming up in your Online Worship Experience.


Utilizing your Pre-Show also allows you to get your stream up and running early so if anything goes wrong, you have a few minutes to investigate without coming in late to service.


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Utilize your Pre-Show