Church Online Tip #40 – Send Text Reminders

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Send Text Reminders


I want to give you a quick idea from my friend Tyler Smith at Text in Church where you can see a 10-15% bump in your Online attendance.


Here’s what Tyler suggests and has seen work with.


Send 2 text Reminders at strategic times to your congregation.


Here’s what they are:

Text #1 =
“Hey Steve, looking forward to Worship on Sunday, be sure to invite a friend.”
Send this text on Thursday at 1pm.
Text #2 =
“Hey Good Morning Steve, I hope you can join us for Online Worship. We’ll be going live at 11am. Here’s the link: [Share Clickable Link]”
Send on 1-3 hours before Service starts.


Easy. Send these two text reminders to your congregation at those times and there’s a good chance you’re going to see a 10-15% bump in the attendee of your Online Worship Experience.


You can check out my full interview with Tyler where we walk through this idea and a whole lot more at


So, my Church Online Tip for you today:

Send Text Reminders