Church Online Tip #5 – Test your Stream before Sunday

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:


Test your Stream before Sunday

Test everything you can. Test how your streaming provider interacts with Facebook or YouTube. Test how the stream goes to your website if you’re using something like Church Online Platform or


You can test your stream privately by sending it to a page or place that your congregation can’t see.
One thing our team has done, that might work for you, is create a Dummy Facebook Group. The only people in the group are your core team of testers.
You can set up your stream and Go Live to that Group to make sure everything functions the way you want it to.


Another idea, especially if you are testing a new system is to do a Live Stream Test that is Public.
Our team recently helped produce the graphics and video for Easter Across America, which was a Livestreaming event that was going to millions of people.


So test your stream either privately to a Dummy Facebook Group or publicly a day or days before your event.


Testing your stream will allow you to walk the process out to get familiar with your software and what to do.
It will also help you identify any problems with audio, formatting and making sure everything looks like you want it to.


So, this may sound like a no-brainer, but


Test Your Stream Before Sunday

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