Church Online Tip #7 – Follow Up is Key

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Follow Up is Key


Your probably seeing more people on watching your church online than every before. I’ve talked with several pastors who are amazed at the attendance they are seeing online. Some churches are seeing 3-4x the amount of people watching online as would attend a physical gathering. And people are watching your service from all over the world.
Not only do you want to present an engaging Online Worship Experience, be intentional about how your following up with your members and guests.



Here are a couple of things that Tyler suggested from our conversation:


1. Gather your attendees Contact Information through a Digital Connection Card.

– If you don’t have their contact information, you can’t follow up with them. So use a tool like a Digital Connection Card to gathering their contact information.


– Keep it short: Name, Email, Mobile Number. You don’t need their address or kids names or anything like that at this point. The less time it takes for them to complete it, the more people you will have complete it.


2. People are not looking for a friendly church, they are looking for a friend.

– So in your follow up process, give a personal touch. Even if you send an automated message, don’t sound like a robot, be genuine.
– How can you tell you are coming across genuine? They respond. If you are not getting responses, you might want to change your messaging. Automation and personalization = effective communication. Write like you are writing to a friend.
– Technology does not replace Human Interaction, it facilitates Human Interaction.


3. Consider using a Guest Follow Up Calendar.

– This keeps the conversation going after people leave your service. Use their contact information and have a plan on how and when you are going to follow up withpeople.
– Use their preferred method of communication. It is your responsibility to find out a guests communication preference = is it Text, Email, Phone Call, Social Media Message? Determine their preferred method of communication and reach out to guests with their preferred method.


You can catch my full interview with Tyler Smith from Text in Church at


Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Follow Up is Key

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