Church Online Tip #9 – Communicate Ways Ministry is Still Happening

Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Communicate Ways Ministry is Still Happening


When it comes to your Online Giving, donors want to know how their giving is making a difference. People who feel involved or a part of something are more likely to give. Keep the communication about ministries open by telling your donors where their money is going. Whether it’s missions your church is doing, missionaries you’re supporting, or food banks you’re helping to stock, communicate with your donors about how their funds are helping. And connect your WHAT with your WHY by connecting each ministry with a value of your church.

Sample Script:

“At Life Church, we believe that Saved People Serve People. We believe that as followers of Christ, we need to show God’s Love to our neighbors. That’s why we are helping our community during this time of need. Here’s where you come in. We are setting up a COVID-19 Fund and every dollar we raise is going to go to buying fabric and materials for our church family to make masks for our community healthcare workers. 100% of the money received will go to producing beautiful, quality masks that we will distribute to those on the frontlines of this crisis. Thank you for giving so sacrificially so that we as a body can minister in Jesus name to our community.


Here are 5 Easy Ways you can communicate the ways that ministry is still happening at your church:
  1. Text Message
  • Text Message has become the #1 way most people prefer to communicate.
  • You can use a tool like Text in Church to send text messages to your members.
  1. Email
  • You should have a database of member E-Mails. Send your congregation an E-Mail each week or sporadically letting them know where their dollars are going. You can use tools like MailChimp or Sendfox to send really nice bulk E-Mails.
  1. Phone Call
  • Your pastors can call or you can set up a Phone Tree to call members of your church.
  • If someone doesn’t answer, leave a message.
  1. Social Media and Social Media Messaging
  • Leverage your Social Media accounts to let people know how ministry is still happening through your church.
  • I recommend at least posting on Facebook and then add other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and others as your team as the ability to handle it.


Even though your church may not be meeting in person this Sunday, that doesn’t mean your church isn’t still active.


Today’s Church Online Tip is this:

Communicate Ways Ministry is Still Happening at your church.

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