5 Reasons You Should Have a Content Manager

Getting decent, well-written, rich content from ministries and ministry leaders can be challenging at times. Some staff simply don’t have the time, while others just simply aren’t wired to write good content.

So how are we supposed to gather valuable and relevant information in order to communicate and inform members? Some churches have decided to seek out “content managers”. What does a content manager do? Exactly what it sounds like! They manage and produce content such as writing blog posts, interviewing staff members, jotting down relevant quotes and information, and seeking out valuable content for church media.

Here are 5 reasons that if you don’t have a content manager, you may be missing out:

1. Content Schedule

Keeping your leaders and members on a content schedule can be a difficult experience. Staffers are busy people and when they get busy they tend to forget. A content creator can handle the scheduling of content as well as its creation to make sure it’s on time every time.

2. Consistency & Voice

You, I, we, us, them, they… all of these words and phrases add a certain voice to your content. It’s much easier to present a clear and present voice and identity when all of your content is being managed and reviewed by a single individual. Whether editing or actually writing the content, a content manager can portray a unified portrait of your church that is beautiful and consistent.

3. Flow

Let’s face it, every ministry in the church thinks it is the most important ministry in the church. A content manager can help manage the flow of information and make sure that the most relevant content finds the right people at the right time in the right way. They can help make sure that the flow of information coming through the church isn’t overwhelming and gets communicated in the most effective manner.

4. Creative & Innovative Storytelling

A content creator sees things differently and adds a new element to your creative team. They aren’t just focused on making things look good. They are focused on your church’s story. They are looking at your church’s history like a good book. “Where’s the story arc?” “What’s the story building to?” These are questions that content managers focus on every day as they look and listen to people and ministries. They are always searching for new ways to share and express the church’s identity!

5. Pressure Relief

When staff members are focused on creating content they can lose touch with the spirit of their ministry. Having someone who is focused on the story of the church and relieving them of pressure can open their schedules to digging deeper into ministry! It’s important that ministry leaders and members take care of their personal lives. A good content manager can open their schedules to do just that!

Do you need a Content Manager?

The question comes down to this… are you getting fresh content on a regular basis? Do you feel as though your church is engaging with the media that your team is creating? Do you wish that your ministry leaders had more time to actually do ministry, or that they spent more time creating content? The fine balance here could be found in bringing a content manager onto your team.

About the Author_02

Author Photo - Travis Walser

Graphic Designer
Olive Baptist Church | Pensacola, FL

Since Travis began a relationship with Christ at the age of 16, he has served as a Worship Leader, Event Coordinator, Ministry Director, and public speaker. After seeking a degree in Computer Engineering for several years, he eventually pursued a major in Studio Art at the University of West Florida where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree. Previously, he was a Marketing Director and Administrative Assistant at a nationally recognized liquidation and salvage corporation where he worked for several years before choosing to fully invest himself into church media and communications.

He currently serves as a Graphic Designer at Olive Baptist Church, one of the largest churches in the Florida panhandle. Travis has a passion for developing the next generation of creative leaders and maintaining the relevance of the church in today’s visual media. In his free time he also enjoys dabbling in other forms of visual media including video production and effects, as well as web design.