Coming Home: Calvary Baptist Church’s Welcome Back Plan

Here is the Welcome Back Plan from Calvary Baptist Church, in GA, crafted for their church. Be inspired and grab some ideas on how you can clearly communicate your church’s plan to return to Corporate Worship once it is safe to do so in your state.

I want to share with you the plan to return to corporate worship on campus. Your feedback from the survey has been encouraging and helpful as we have worked to develop a plan that promotes being a good neighbor and honoring the request of our leaders. We have been planning with flexibility. We will make adjustments to this plan as needed.

Step One: Online Worship

Through Sunday, May 10

We are currently engaging in online worship only (provide a link to your Live Stream Page). This allows us to continue to worship together in spirit while maintaining social distancing and being a good neighbor.

Step Two: In-Home Worship

From May 17 – June 7

Our state has begun to loosen the recommended guidelines for gathering. This would allow some to gather with 2 or 3 other families to watch the live stream service in one’s home.
We encourage you to follow the CDC recommendations on social distancing and group sizes.


Step Three: Limited Gathered Worship

June 14 – August

The Health Emergency Order in our State is set to expire on June 12.
On Sunday, June 14, we plan to have on-campus worship services and will request registration. We will limit the number of attendees to these services to follow the recommendations from the CDC. We will have several guidelines in place to ensure safety during our worship together.
We will not have nursery, children’s activities, or Hub activities on campus during these worship services. We will encourage families to sit and worship together.
We will not have on-campus LifeGroups at this time. We encourage you to continue to meet with your LifeGroups digitally.
There will be more details to follow, including the new service times. Stay connected to our newsletter (provide a link to your newsletter signup) and social media (link to your social media) for up-to-date information.

Step Four: Gathered Worship


We will gather again for normal worship when it is clear for schools to return. When it is appropriate for small group gatherings and school to return to campus, we will return to “normal” on-campus worship experience.
We will have nursery, children’s activities, and Hub gatherings on campus.
LifeGroups will be able to meet on campus.
We will follow CDC recommendations for social distancing during this time, but we will return to gathered worship.

NOTE: All dates and worship times are subject to change based on new information. We will continue to work at keeping your informed and up to date with information about the impact of this pandemic on gathered worship on campus.