Fun 404 Pages

A lot of employers describe themselves as a fun place to work. Some organizations even list it as one of their values. But sometimes organizations don’t reflect this in their communication. One quick and easy way to remedy that is through the 404 webpage. A 404 page is where you are directed to when a link is broken. Every website has them, but not every organization takes the effort to make theirs fun and reflect this value. Below are some of the best 404 pages I’ve found. Hope these inspire you to update yours and demonstrate this value.

This is the easiest and cheapest way to quickly put together a fun 404 page. Below are great organizations doing it well.

  • Pixar
  • Lego
  • Magnt
  • Marvel – These guys took their page to the next level with multiple variations of the page. Click refresh to see them all.

If you got a little more of a budget then consider making your 404 page animated. 

If you got a lot more of a budget then make your 404 page interactive. 

I couldn’t find many churches with a fun 404 page. Which is disappointing cause I know God likes to have a laugh. But here are a couple living out this value.

I put an old blooper video on my personal website. I would love to know other organizations you think have awesome 404 pages. And may people have a laugh when they come across your broken links.