3 Things Leaders Do

things leaders do


Leaders are learners. When we stop learning, we’ll soon quit leading… leading well at least. The thing that I’ve learned from some of the best leaders I’ve ever been around is that they’re willing to learn from anyone. It doesn’t have to be an “expert” in a field or even a leader, but they’re willing to learn from those they lead and those that have something to teach.


I think one of the reasons we often fail at learning is because we get prideful in our leading. We can get so busy with the day to day that we’re unwilling to slow down, humble ourselves and seek counsel and seek leadership wisdom.


When I think about the leaders that I’ve learned the most from, I see that they are always willing to leverage those around them. If someone knows a department better, they let them do it. If someone around them has experience with a certain situation, they seek counsel or let them take care of it.


This is a big part of empowering leadership. So often we think empowering others is telling them how to do something, but it’s usually found more in letting those we lead leverage their gifts and experiences as only they can. They’ll only be empowered to grow when they’re leveraged to lead themselves.


I’m so grateful for the leaders that I’ve followed that were looking for future leaders and even replacement for themselves. Good leaders don’t create organizations or followers, they create leaders. We should always be on the lookout for leaders, for people that could possibly one day be along side of us.


It’s much easier, too, to look for current leaders and bring them in than it is to look for potential leaders and develop them. Great leaders DEVELOP leaders, not just hire them. Development requires time and patience, but it’s worth it.

By no means am I saying that all great leaders are the same. That’s crazy. I do think, though, that these 3 things are usually done by great leaders.

Great leaders DEVELOP leaders, not just hire them. @jonathanpearson Click To Tweet

About the Author_02


Author / Pastor
Next Up | Orangeburg S.C

Jonathan Pearson is a millennial determined to leave the world in better shape than he found it. He is a 2008 graduate of Charleston Southern University and attended Liberty University Seminary. He and his wife Melissa married in December 2008 and began serving full-time as a Student Minister. Two years later, Jonathan heard God’s call to move on faith to Orangeburg, S.C. and get involved in Cornerstone Community Church. After just a couple of months, Jonathan was hired on staff. Jonathan was Orangeburg Campus Pastor at Cornerstone, a campus with an average of 1400 attendees until January of 2017. He now serves as Connections Pastor for SpringWell Church in Taylors, S.C.


In June of 2013, Jonathan was recognized as one of the nation’s top young influencers by Brad Lomenick, Founder of Catalyst. He’s also been a speaker at The Sticks Conference, Exponential, The NINES, and Propel conferences. In June 2014, Jonathan released his first book, Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make. In May 2015, Jonathan released an eBook with ChurchMag Press to help pastors get the important stuff done called The Productive Pastor Handbook. Jonathan co-hosts a monthly leadership podcast called the Next Up Podcast geared towards helping young leaders expand their influence. He’s also been a guest on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast and the Productivityist Podcast. He and his wife also welcomed their first child, Riley, into the world in April of 2014.